Resorted to infidelity

These days, I talk to a lady who is married. She is 29 years old. She has a husband and he is 41 years old. They have a trouble in sexless. They have not sexed for 9 months. She has started to cheat with other guys. She says her sexual desire has increased more than before. She is along with her husband. She often talks bath with him, and go to travel. Even at that time, he does not try to have a reletion with her. She feels that her husband regards her as lady anymore, but wife. Husband is only man whom she have a sex with in this world, but if she loses it, we understand she began to cheat with others. She does not try to solve this problem. She is afraid of losing their relation. In spite of trying nothing, she began cheating. Continuing happy marriage life is hard.


Recently, I've been talking to a married woman who is 29 years old. Her husband is 41 years old, and they are facing challenges in their marriage, particularly in terms of intimacy. They haven't been sexually active for the past nine months, and as a result, she has begun engaging in extramarital affairs. According to her, her sexual desires have increased compared to before.

Despite spending time together, such as taking baths and going on trips, her husband does not make any attempts to engage in a romantic or intimate relationship with her. She feels that her husband now sees her as more of a friend than a wife.

Her husband is the only person she has ever been intimate with, and the fear of losing their relationship has kept her from addressing the issued directly. Instead of trying to find a solution, she has resorted to infidelity. Maintaining a happy and fulfilling marriage has become increasingly challenging for them.




  • 感情の共有: 自分の感情や思考をオープンに相手に伝えること。
  • 信頼: 相手に対して信頼し、自分自身を開示すること。
  • 身体的な親密さ: 体の触れ合いや愛情表現を通じた親密な接触

"For the past nine months"(過去9か月間)は、特定の期間や時間帯を指し示すフレーズです。この表現は、直近の9か月間について話す際に使用され、その期間に何かが行われたり、何かが続いたりしたことを強調します。

"Extramarital affairs"(不倫関係、婚外の浮気)は、既婚者が結婚外の関係を持つことを指す言葉です。これは、一方の配偶者が結婚の誓いに反して、他の人と感情的なまたは性的な関係を築いている状況を表現します。

"make any attempts to engage in a romantic or intimate relationship with her" は、特定の女性とロマンチックなまたは親密な関係を築こうとする試みを行っていないことを指しています。この文は、誰かがある女性に対して恋愛的な興味を持っているか、関係を深めようとしていないことを述べています。

"Resorted to infidelity"(不倫に訴える、不倫に走る)は、特に困難や問題に直面して、結婚またはパートナーシップの一方が不正当な関係(不倫関係)に入ることを指します。この表現は、感情的な不満や不幸、または他の問題が結婚生活やパートナーシップに影響を及ぼし、その結果、不倫行為が起こることを強調します。

these badminton sessions

Are there days which I have spent fullfilled life previously? I play badminton three times a week, screaming for a lost point, and a win point, and have a conversation with Indonesian friends, remembering their names. After badminton, I am exhausted. I go to a gym three times a week, and train and chat laughing at something no meaning with coaches. I do scuva diving once a week, being amazed by sea creatures. I love to get massage after scuva diving.


"Have there been days in my life when I have truly felt fulfilled? I play badminton three times a week, where I express both frustration and joy with enthusiastic shouts for points won and lost. I also engage in conversations with my Indonesian friends, making a sincere effort to remember their names. After these badminton sessions, I often find myself feeling physically exhausted.

I visit the gym three times a week, engaging in training sessions and sharing lighthearted conversations filled with laughter with my coaches.

Once a week, I indulge in scuba diving, consistently amazed by the stunning sea creatures I encounter beneath the waves. Following each scuba diving adventure, I particularly enjoy getting a massage as a way to relax and unwind."


"Making a sincere effort"(誠実な努力をする)は、真剣で誠実な努力をすることを指します。


Lighthearted conversations"(軽快な会話)は、楽しみや喜びをもって行われる、重厚でない、軽薄なトピックに関する会話を指します。これらの会話は通常、ストレスや緊張の少ない場面で行われ、笑いや陽気さが共有されることがあります。

"Indulge in"は、特定の行動、活動、または感情に対して自己満足的に、自由に、または楽しむことを指す表現です。このフレーズはしばしば、何かを過度に楽しむ、許容する、または満たすという意味合いで使用されます。"Indulge in"は通常、肯定的な行為や楽しみ、または贅沢な経験に焦点を当てますが、時には過度な行動や無駄な消費にも関連することがあります。

"The stunning sea creatures"は、「見事な海の生物」といった意味を表現しています。このフレーズは、海洋生物の美しさや驚異的な外見を強調するために使われます。"Stunning"は非常に美しい、印象的な、驚くほど魅力的なことを指す形容詞で、"sea creatures"は海の生物を指します。」

"I particularly enjoy"(私は特に楽しむ)は、特定の活動、事柄、または経験に対して、それを特に好み、楽しむことを表現するフレーズです。この表現は、あることに対する強い好みや興味を強調するために使われます。

Spotted Dove

Going to foreign countries, we can see animals we never see before. Today, I saw pigeons I had never see before. The pigeons neck has a white dots pattern. They is called Spotted Dove. They are common in Bali. Also, I found sparrows , but I did not find their name. The sparrow resembled shrikes. The head was beautiful brown.


When traveling to foreign countries, we often encounter animals we've never seen before. Today, I had the opportunity to observe pigeons I had never encountered previously. These pigeons had a distinctive white-dotted pattern on their necks and are known as Spotted Doves. They are a common sight in Bali.

Additionally, I came across sparrows during my journey, but unfortunately, I didn't know their specific name. These sparrows resembled shrikes with their beautiful brown heads.

、"come across"は日常的な出会いや偶然の出来事を表現するのに適しており、"encounter"はより重要で意義深い出来事や問題に関連して使用されます。


leads to problems and heightened anxiety

I don’t concentrate on my work sometimes. This is my weak point. At that time, I don’t arrange what to do and my ideas. I don’t prioritize my tasks. On contrary, if I do that, it will go well. When I don’t clean my thoughts, there will be problems and I get nervous. Then, my action gets slowly.


I sometimes struggle with maintaining focus on my work, which is one of my weaknesses. During those moments, I fail to organize my thoughts and ideas, and I neglect to prioritize my tasks. Conversely, when I do take the time to arrange and plan my work, everything tends to go more smoothly.

When I allow my thoughts to remain cluttered and disorganized, it often leads to problems and heightened anxiety. As a result, my productivity tends to decrease, and I become less efficient in my actions.


"Arrange what to do"は不自然な表現です。正確な表現としては、次のようなものが考えられます:

  1. "Decide what to do"(何をするか決める)
  2. "Plan what to do"(何をするか計画する)
  3. "Figure out what to do"(何をするか考え出す)

これらの表現は、特定の行動や計画を立てる際に使用されるより自然な方法です。 "Arrange"は通常、出来事や物事を計画して整える場面で使用され、何をするかを決めるためには適切な動詞ではありません。





  1. "My office is filled with clutter, and I can't find anything on my desk." (私のオフィスは物が散らかっており、デスクの上で何も見つけることができません。)
  2. "It's time to clean up the clutter in the garage and organize our tools." (ガレージの散らかり具合を片付けて、道具を整理する時期です。)

enroll in a gym, sign up for a membership

Today, I went to a gym and subscribed in the gym. The entry fee was 2300000 idl. It is included their coaching program for 3 months. I am planed to return to Japan on January. So, the program for two months is in vain. I wad torn whether choosing the program or not. However, the coaching program is very cheap. If you apply the same one, you should pay money more than triple. I applied the program finally. The gym is clean. We can use towels you as much as you want. After excercise, we can take shower. A coach is friendly. His name is Dedan. I trained with a coach for the first time. Getting advice in English is hard, but I understand some.


"Today, I went to a gym and signed up for a membership. The enrollment fee was 2,300,000 IDR, which includes their coaching program for three months. I'm planning to return to Japan in January, so the program for two months may go to waste. I was torn between choosing the program or not. However, the coaching program is very affordable. If you were to enroll in a similar one, you'd have to pay more than triple the amount. In the end, I decided to enroll in the program.

The gym is clean, and they provide as many towels as you need. After exercising, you can take a shower.

The coach is friendly, and his name is Dedan. It was my first time training with a coach. Getting advice in English is challenging, but I understood some of it."

"subscribe" は通常、定期的な情報提供に関連して使用され、"sign up for" はさまざまな種類の登録行為に関連して使用されるより一般的な表現です。

"enrollment fee" は長期的なメンバーシップやプログラムへの登録に関連し、"entry fee" は特定の場所やイベントへの入場に関連しています。

"go to waste" は、何かが無駄になる、台無しになる、または活用されないままになることを指します。特定の資源や機会が十分に活用されないか、効果的に利用されない場合に使用されます。例えば、時間、努力、お金、機会などが無駄になる状況を表現するのに使います。

"Affordable" は、財政的に手頃な価格である、支払い可能な、または手ごろな価格であるという意味を持つ形容詞です。

"provide towels as many as you need" は理解可能な表現ではありますが、少し自然でない部分があります。より自然な表現として以下のように言い換えることができます:

"the triple amount" という表現は少し不自然に聞こえます。通常、"triple" は数量を修飾する形容詞として使用され、"the" と組み合わせて "triple the amount" のように使われます。


playing badminton in Bali

I went playing badminton last night. I brought my shoes, and I was going to rent badminton racket, but a man named Onel lent me. He was a kind person. His smash was powerful. I joined the game, but I could not play well. I was out of breath soon. A man, whose name is Gile, suggested me to run. I felt lack of stamina. We play badminton until we get two games and each game is until 21st point. However, they play until 42 points. I enjoyed badminton, but I was frustrated with myself. I got old. I got out of stamina easily. I have to get it back. I want to go to gym to resolve that.

"Last night, I went to play badminton. I brought my shoes, intending to rent a badminton racket, but a man named Onel kindly lent me his racket. He was very friendly. His smash was incredibly powerful. I joined the game, but I couldn't play well; I was out of breath quickly. A man named Gile suggested that I start running to improve my stamina. I realized that I was lacking in stamina.

In our badminton games, we usually play until one player reaches 21 points, but they play until 42 points. I enjoyed playing badminton, but I was frustrated with myself. I felt like I was getting older and running out of stamina too quickly. I need to work on improving my stamina, so I'm thinking about going to the gym to address that issue."

"I was going to" という表現は、文脈によっては自然な使い方ができますが、場合によっては他の表現の方が適していることがあります。以下の文脈では "I was going to" は自然に使えます:例文:"I was going to rent a car, but then I decided to take a taxi instead." (車を借りる予定だったが、それからタクシーにすることに決めた。)"I was going to call you, but I lost my phone." (あなたに電話しようと思っていたが、携帯電話をなくした。)しかし、文脈によってはもっと自然な表現が使えます。例えば、次のように言うこともできます:

  • "I had planned to rent a badminton racket..."
  • "I intended to rent a badminton racket..."
  • "I had in mind to rent a badminton racket..."

要するに、"address the issue" は問題に取り組むプロセスを指し、問題が解決されるかどうかは明確でないことがあります。一方、"solve the issue" は問題が完全に解決され、問題が存在しなくなることを指します。

my next goal

Today I chatted with a girl on Koetomo, which is an application to talk on phone. She is a designer and freelance. I got shocked at how she worked. She has a contract with a company. The content is to work eight days per month, then she got 600,000yen per month. She designs 3d characters, buy indeed, she gives educations to new faces. Besides the job, she designs something. She said that it was a long way until she got the life style. She is 27 years old. I am very jelous and frustrated at myself. At the same time, I remembered something important, my purpose to work, the next my goal. It is no working but getting enough money.


Today, I had a conversation with a girl on Koetomo, which is a phone application for chatting. She is a designer and works as a freelancer. I was amazed by her work situation. She has a contract with a company where she works for eight days a month and earns 600,000 yen per month. Her job involves designing 3D characters, and she also provides training to newcomers.

In addition to her regular job, she also pursues personal design projects. She mentioned that it took her a while to achieve this lifestyle. She is 27 years old.

I felt a mixture of jealousy and frustration with myself. At the same time, it reminded me of something important—my purpose for working and my next goal. Making money without working or reducing working hours is my goal.


"remember" は自分の記憶や過去の経験に関連し、何かを思い出す行為を表現します。一方、"remind" は他の人に何かを思い出させる行為を指し、その他の人に対して使われます。

"Involve" は、さまざまな文脈で使われ、何かが別の何かと密接に関連している状況や、行動が何かに関与していることを示すのに役立ちます。