Spotted Dove

Going to foreign countries, we can see animals we never see before. Today, I saw pigeons I had never see before. The pigeons neck has a white dots pattern. They is called Spotted Dove. They are common in Bali. Also, I found sparrows , but I did not find their name. The sparrow resembled shrikes. The head was beautiful brown.


When traveling to foreign countries, we often encounter animals we've never seen before. Today, I had the opportunity to observe pigeons I had never encountered previously. These pigeons had a distinctive white-dotted pattern on their necks and are known as Spotted Doves. They are a common sight in Bali.

Additionally, I came across sparrows during my journey, but unfortunately, I didn't know their specific name. These sparrows resembled shrikes with their beautiful brown heads.

、"come across"は日常的な出会いや偶然の出来事を表現するのに適しており、"encounter"はより重要で意義深い出来事や問題に関連して使用されます。
